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Reflections on Positive and Negative Experiences with Technology

I was intrigued at the range of perspectives on technology in our class discussion. It stretched my thinking to hear others describe their experiences with technology.
One of the issues addressed was the premise that technology creates this image of one person sitting alone in their basement on a computer. I began to think about the irony of that stereotype as I listen to my Blackberry buzzing away all day, night and evening.  Never have I felt more “available” or “connected.”

I think the theme or the idea that the computer is a tool brought a much-needed balance to the discussion. The social networking capability is a foreign use of technology. I have some reference points for the spaces discussed in the media. However, the ones introduced in our class were new for me and I could see the potential positive uses of social networking for people in more isolated communities.

One issue that was raised was the potential of groups of people being marginalized. This is an issue I would like to think and read more about. Even if individuals have more equitable access to the hardware do they have equity in terms of access to the range of technology e.g., social networking sites, access to internet and the like.

Lastly, the concern was raised that professionals working with young children may lack the skills or knowledge to support young children’s access and understanding of technology. This is also something I would like to read about and discuss further.